3 Tips To Get Started
You are excited about mobile marketing but don't know where to start? As with everything that looks overwhelming at first, break your challenge down into sizable bites. Follow these 3 simple but effective tips and you'll be on your way in no time.
1. Learn the Fundamentals
Mobile marketing is a new mass medium. Possibly even the first REAL mass medium, with 3.4 billion people already owning a cell phone versus only 1.5 billion television set owners. In order to make informed decisions on how to best utilize this new medium for your benefit you must know the fundamentals. Mobile marketing operates in its own Eco-System. It has its own rules of do's and don'ts. And it boasts tremendous, and often very specific, Key Opportunities for almost every industry sector.
A great way to start is our book Everything you ever wanted to know about Mobile Marketing but didn't know who to ask.
2. Strategize
Many costly mistakes can be avoided with the right mobile marketing strategy. A campaign that is good for some may not be ideal for others. Think about your objectives. Think about how you currently meet those objectives and think about how mobile marketing can best supplement what you already do. Don't let your mobile marketing campaign stand on its own, but rather integrate it into your marketing mix.
If you start a new business include a mobile marketing strategy right from the start. Think of your consumers and what they would like to receive on their cell phone from you. Remember: cell phones are "always with you, always on".
As an agency you owe it to your clients to be able to advise them on mobile strategy. Find out which mobile marketing tools are out there and apply your existing extensive marketing- and advertising knowledge. This will give you the confidence to support your clients get to the leading edge of mobile marketing - and it will help you to secure new ones.
Our team of Mobile Marketing Winner$ are on standby to lend a helping hand with a variety of Products and Services.
3. Act
Only applied knowledge is valuable knowledge. While Europe and Asia already are advanced in mobile marketing, and 2009 was THE year that launched mobile marketing in the USA, 2010 might be the last year for Africa in which you can lead your competition by fully embracing ALL the opportunities which mobile marketing offers. Act, and ACT NOW.
You already have an advantage when you follow the valuable information provided by our team of Mobile Marketing Winner$ on this web site.
To turbo-boost your efforts and optimize your results start HERE.
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